Tuesday 13 May 2008

More to life than war in Burundi

Burundi's conflict hobbles on with a recent outbreak of fighting (http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=78129) between a rebel group and government forces. It has been fifteen years since the group first raised arms, although there have been periods of ceasefire.

Burundi's economic potential - indeed its delivered performance - should put it on a better path than constant conflict. The chance of war is reduced by economic growth, and war's persistence is discouraging for those people who concentrate on economic aspects of societies as means of increasing the happiness of their citizens. Some analyses of the tensions in the country hardly mention economics at all.

The important idea here is that the chance of war is reduced. Economics does not determine every facet in a society, but its effect works constantly and in most circumstances. Burundi's fighting today is probably less fierce than it would have been if the economy had been worse.

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